Will you let your children drink at your house? 🍻🍾

Nicole • 22 | Married | Real estate 👩🏼‍💼🏡

*So I just started using this app again, if this has been posted a lot or is in the wrong room please let me know and I will take it down*

So for starters, my mom is pretty against alcohol. I have maybe seen her drink once or twice while growing up. Like at thanksgiving dinner she may have a glass of wine or something. So when I was 15-17 years old I had to sneak around to get drunk with friends.

Fast forward- When I turned 18 she told me that if I wanted to drink, I could at her house. I was so surprised because it came out of nowhere and she had always been against me drinking.

She told me she would rather me drink there than go out and drink and drive, or go to parties and get too drunk.

I had friends whose parents would let them drink at 15-16 years old. Then some who wouldn’t let their kids drink at the house until they were 21. What are your thoughts on this?

Do you think letting your kids drink at the house would lessen the likelihood of them wanting to drink? Or increase it? Do you think it would lessen the chances of them drinking and driving?

If you will let your kids drink at your house, at what ages would you find appropriate?

And last, if would not let them - what is your reasoning?

I don’t have children yet, so I’m not really sure what I would do when that time comes