how to deal with your man watching porn?o

hey girls. im having alot of trouble dealing with my man watching porn. the reason is from an ex relationship. he was violent as. he was addicted to porn. he started watching submissive rape porn etc. he fantasized over treating me as a sex slave. i was not keen at all! so he attempted to rape me which led to a struggle and him strangling me and nearly passing out i also found out he attempted to murder his parents so i was terrified. i told my current partner about it. its effected my sex life in so many ways including not allowing me to orgasm. im so against porn now. i blame it for what happened to me. i asked him that to be with me you cant watch porn just so i dont get anxiety. he made a promise. but he watches it every opportunity he can now. we have been together 9 years. he was fine for the first few years. but i brought him a phone put data on it and he goes straight to it. the things he looks up isnt good either. do i get over it or should he respect my mental health? how do u accept porn? i think i have problems 😭 ps he changes when hes watching it. doesnt have sex with me. doesnt show much love. starts complaining about me not orgasming. it really effects everything. so many fights over why im not like the porn stars. also we have 2 kids and 1 on the way so im struggling