
Brittany • mommy of an angel in heaven, Leah Grace, a mommy of a handsome boy DJ, one unfortunate misscariage and a handsome boy Frankie.😍😍😍😙😙😙

anyone else hitting 40 weeks tomarrow and getting depressed from all the stress and overwhelming of life and waiting? (I also have a 2 1/2 year old) and just wanting to give up and do a c section just to get it over with? then get even more upset because you wanted the v bac delivery with all the benefits and how could you just give up like that but then not want to get outta bed to do anything, then force yourself to because your other child is hungry,thirsty or have a poopy diaper? idk if I'm getting depressed again/post partum or if this is normal.... if been so super excited and anxious go meet my 2nd little man but I feel like it's never going to happen I... i keep getting my hopes up then they just go way Down after the pains stop. thank you to anyone that read this I just hope at my appointment tommaro that I'll get lifted up or there's more progress or something.