Can’t stop.

S. • Wifey. ❤️ Mama to a handsome boy. 💙 Baby girl arriving February 2019. 💕

I literally can not stop stressing out. 2 days ago I got my first BFP after ttc for over a year. I started bawling. Couldn’t contain myself. I told myself not to get too excited until we were certain, then yesterday I go to a clinic and she basically says I’m threatening to miscarry based on my SPOTTING and cramping.

So I go to the E.R. They do the full work up, can’t see anything on ultrasound but may be too soon, your uterus is enlarged like you are in fact pregnant blood work and urine show positive. But your hcg levels are low. So either you’re very early or you were pregnant and now coming down. And my mind jumps straight to the worse, so 48 hour wait is KILLING me. I go in tomorrow for the follow up blood panel to see if levels have doubled or went down. And now I’m spotting again and haven’t stopped cramping. I’ve been begging and pleading with God. Praying this little bean sticks. But I can not stop stressing. I keep forcing myself to pee so I can wipe and check for blood, I am currently spotting and still cramping and I’m just so stressed. Which I know is not good but I’m just... 😭😨🤞🏽🤞🏽