My almost 10 month old barely ever sleeps in his crib

Lizzy • I'm a first time mom to my handsome little boy who was born 8.26.17💙 he makes me incredibly happy. follow our journey and I'll follow yours!😘🙂

so ever since day one i have had my baby boy right by my side sleeping during the night. and for naps during the day if i could id put him in his crib. usually his naps are 1-2 hours long. my thing i need help with is, a lot of the time during the night i get him to sleep try to put him in his crib and he immediately wakes up even before i put him down. or he will sleep in the crib for maybe an hour then he will wake up and not want to lay in the crib. but if i have him lay with me he sleeps for at least 2-4 hours at a time. but im starting to miss beimg able to spread out and sleep lol but he never wants to sleep in his crib