Why do exes try to come back ?

All of my exes have tried to come back at one point but there’s this particular one that just won’t stay gone out of my life for good. He moved 5 hours away and I was like Thank the lord

But he has made new Facebook accounts, contacted people I use to be friends with almost two years ago and so far has reached out to three friends.

It’s been about six months since his last attempt to reach out but now he messaged another friend asking how I’ve been & if she still keeps in contact with me and that he has been trying for a year to keep and contact with me and how he just wants to

Make sure I’m okay. Like why do we need to keep in contact ?

Anyway this particular ex our relationship was good until about 6 Months in & we were 16 at the time then I lost my virginity to him we didnt even last for a week after it. Ever since it was like a chasing game me trying to get him back. This went on for about another 6-7 Months like we’d get back together every couple months for a week or two and he’d dump me. Spread nasty embarrassing rumors about me every time and people actually believed them. He would talk so down on me and make fun of how I looked and I was so heartbroken and couldn’t understand why any of this was happening and somehow at 17 I managed to get myself into pills drinking and smoking weed and fell into this huge depression hole and dropped out of my junior year due to the depression. Well summer 2017 comes around I meet this guy who was absolutely perfect and the first time we hung out I completely forgot about my ex and I didnt even feel hurt anymore and he wasn’t on my mind

Anyway fast forward me and this new guy have been together a little over a year are engaged we have our own house he spoils me a lot and we have a cat together a baby on the way who is due at any moment!

But this fucktard of an ex has to come

Back last minute and remind me of my

Past that I hate to remember I hate to remember those two years I had a whole aniexity attack thinking about it...