Period Late / Help ME!

Infinity🤤💍 • 🎢 Princess Jasmine🎠

I lost my virginity on May 26th & I’m 19

I’m overweight and always had irregular periods

I’m on birth control it’s called TayTulla but I didn’t like what it was doing to my body so I stopped taking them until the day I lost my virginity.

I took 3 pills that day & my boyfriend and I used condoms.

He didn’t cum at all!!! And we haven’t had sex since I lost my virginity.

But recently we had oral sex on June 5th and no sperm got in me because I washed my hands but he didn’t wash his but I made sure he didn’t touch my vagina at all.

But my period is 9 days late.

I’m scared

Should I take a pregnancy test even though we used protection and he didn’t cum?