What’s wrong with me? 😖

According to glow I ovulated May 30th, it said my period was suppose to start June 16th, I started bleeding June 13th - present

It was very light, not like my normal period. In my “normal” period I have intense cramps, I cramp throughout the whole period, and I’ll have a day or two of spotting before it gets heavier.

This time it didn’t get heavier, Ive been cramping.. and it’s day 5 of on and off light bleeding. By light bleeding I mean it didn’t even fill a panty liner.. I read that it could be birth control but I haven’t been on birth control since October 2016.

What do you think?

• current “period” June 13th - present

• Last period March 23rd - April 2nd

• very sexually active

• negative pregnancy test

* not trying but not preventing

June 14th

June 13th

(Friday June 15th)

(Taken 2 days ago, so Friday June 15th)