TTC "AF" came a week earlier..


Hi everyone! I was wondering if I could get any advice!

I've been ttc for a little over a year now, last week my period came a week earlier, I was spotting at first hoped it was IB! But then it got heavier😔 lost all hope for this month! But today when I woke up I went to the restroom (tmi) I wiped myself and noticed I had a light pinky creamy stuff on the toilet paper! it's been about a week now from my period, (I was supposed to start around this weekend) I stupidly went to Google and they said it could still be IB! I don't want to get my Hope's up or my husbands! But I still want to have a little bit of hope!❤

What do ya'll recommend I do? Should I take a test? How long should I wait before I do?