Working till baby comes or not?

FarmWife 🌾 • 2015 👧🏼 2017 👼🏼👼🏼 2018 👧🏼 🌈 2020 👶🏼

I am due August 13th, last appt scheduled as of now is August 7th. I had plans to close my home daycare August 9th anyway and that would start my 6 weeks. Now, I am wondering if I should close the 7th or remain opened until I go into labor. Could be after the 7th, could be sooner than the 7th. I told all my parents I would be taking 6 weeks give or take off. They all have alternative care. My issue is, if it happens during daycare hours I have to make face to face contact with 7 parents while having contractions and risking them all going and blabbing around our small town that I am in labor. I want to eliminate as many texts/calls as possible.. any thoughts?