Starting to feel like LH surge is never gonna happen 😩😕

I never used opks till after my miscarriage on may 27 and I’ve been trying to test every day since , sometimes I get discouraged and miss a few days but I baby dance on those days so I don’t miss it but it feels like I’m never gonna hit my surge ive had 3 almost positive but none of them ever make it to positive, this is seriously so upsetting especially when ever two days glow asks if my period is back since the miscarriage I feel like I’m in a never ending waiting game between my LH surge and my period. And yes Ik your not supposed to go of the lines for the clear blue test I take the picture with the strip analyzer just to see if it actually is getting darker 😕

Update: the ttc gods have answered 🙌✨ seriously shaking right now I was so discouraged I was about to throw all my opks out , me and so baby danced then 2 hours later I got this 💕