🤰🏻👩🏼‍⚕️👶🏼 first appointment jitters


Oy! FINALLY today is the day of my first midwife appointment — I booked this thing at 5 weeks 1 day and I’m now 10 weeks 2 days and this has been the longest 5 weeks of my life.

It’s been hard seeing everyone else’s appointment posts knowing I still couldn’t hear my baby,

It’s been anxiety filled not knowing if everything is truly okay or not- I should consider myself blessed that while my symptoms have faded they still appear every day.

I’ve been trying to meditate and do calming excercises the last few weeks cause I was so anxious the first couple weeks and that helped but now the anxiety has come back with a vengeance the last 2 days.

(didn’t help I also had a job interview yesterday that I have also been waiting on as long and now will be waiting another month to find out about! Let’s just have all the stress in one week!)

Prayers of a good appointment and a healthy baby are all I ask 🙏🏻 and any tips on what to expect for a first appointment.