Y’all. I need to know. Am I being a POS.


My bf and I got in a fight today. So it was morning and he had previously said he was coming to my older brother’s little birthday celebration. Suddenly, at like 12ish, he told me that he didn’t want to leave the house and he was gonna pick his best friend (female) and then me up and we would go back to his house to hang out. Of course I was like “wtf, you said you were coming to my place to have my brother’s bday dinner” and then said could you come do dinner first so we could go hang out after because my mum will be upset if I just leave. He said no and that the only way he would grab me to hang out would be by doing that because he needed friend time with his best friend. I said why can’t you just come have pizza at my place and then we can go and then was like you always act like a taxi service for her anyways can you just put me first and then he got really upset at that. He then said he was done with having that conversation and said he only wanted to talk to his best friend. I talked to the best friend and told her how frustrated I was and she was mad at first and then calmed down and he later asks if I’m okay when obviously i’ve been crying all day and I’m really bad pain from my period. I snapped at him a big again and he got all defensive and said I was gonna visit you tonight but if you’re acting like this I’m not. And of course the waterworks come back on. Now they’ve had hours of “friend time” and I called him earlier and she picked up and said he didn’t want to talk (typical... he gets all silent when he’s mad) and they were shopping (he wanted to stay home... right??). Now I’m waiting on him to call back when he’s ready to talk I guess... I just feel really upset. He has work a lot so it can be hard to see him, especially because I work too. I also have a week of camp coming up so I will barely be able to see him. This was a last good day before a while. He has depression and I have several anxiety disorders as well as possible Bipolar I disorder (long story...) and we’re fairly new and he finds it very difficult to talk about his depression with me and pushes me away a little bit there. I’m extremely moody today so I overreacted a bit but I don’t think he’s exactly right in this. I don’t have any best friends and feel alone because I don’t have anybody to really talk to. Fighting with him hurts like so bad. I’m trying everything to be the perfect girlfriend for him and inspire him to trust me. I just hope he calls soon. My whole body hurts from crying so hard and my period and my sore legs from working out. My mental health really plummeted and my eyes and nose burns badly. This whole thing was super dramatic thank you so much if you read the whole thing. Please ladies I need help here...


We talked on the phone last night and he feels terrible. By the way, their friendship seems oddly close but they’ve just been best friends for a really long time. They aren’t banging because the girl has a boyfriend she like absolutely adores. I’m not worried about them being cheaters or anything, I’m more just upset that he didn’t hang out with me today. He actually started crying (he has NEVER cried when I’m around and he’s not very in touch with his emotions) and said that he was sorry he wasted my time and that I didn’t deserve it. I started crying too obviously and it seems that once we see each other again we’ll be okay because when on the phone it’s easy to type some mean texts. I think he needs a little more space and time to hang out with friends and I’ve been very clingy lately so I’m gonna give him some more room (not too much of course!) and maybe he’ll start coming to me a little more to ask for attention and appreciate the effort I put in a bit more. (It makes the heart grow fonder, eh?) he’s a good person, and he has a good heart, I think he just does stupid things sometimes because well, we’re young.


He just broke up with me. I can’t stop crying.