
Alright ladies so here is the deal.

I love my man. he is a huge ass goof ball with an amazing heart that is as protective as they come. let me just explain this to you all.

the last relationship I was in was super bad.( we will refer to him as H) like we started out great with each other then one night we were having sex and he grabbed my hair and punched me in the back of the head knocking me out. I got pregnant three times by him. he would get pissed off at me and start beating the crap out of me aiming most of his blows to my abnomin. resulting in 2 miscarriages and 1 still birth.

my current boyfriend(we will call him G) obviously didn't know all of this. one night I was playing with a friend of ours baby and when we left he saw me struggle to lie the sleepng baby down in her crib. when we got out to his truck he asked about it I brushed it off. my ex started stalking us and was watching me and messaging G. G is a 6'6" 250lbs dude who let's no one and I mean no one mess with him. well H starts saying stuff like" you better not damage my property" and "if you give her orders she should follow them perfectly if not threaten her with a cow proud" G got so mad at H he started getting sick. then the message that put everything into perspective

"knock her up then beat the baby out of her or starve it out of her. it is the best thing ever to watch her happiness drain from her body"

G came in his bedroom where I was sat down on the bed and kisses me and looks me in the eye and asks me how many babies do I have and I look at him and say three. he immediately said to me.

"I love you. I will never ever let that man near you. you can break up with me tommorow and I still would never let him touch you again. if it takes my whole life to protect you I will do it even if your not mine to protect. you deserve the world. not this bull sit."

currently I am laying in bed next to this sleeping giant who is truly the answer to countless answeed prayers since all this shit went down. we have movrd in together we got our puppy and are ttc our first baby. I love him and would do anything for this man.

above is our little puppy.