Anatomy scan panic - UPDATE -


We had our anatomy scan today 19w1d. The ultrasound tech didn’t really mention anything to us just during the scan (I kept asking if everything was looking normal to her) Well 20 minutes after our scan I get a call from our OBGYN office saying that the doctor wants to see us first thing tomorrow morning and that it’s a really important appointment that we can’t delay, based off something that was found in our ultrasound... So now I’m panicking because I don’t know what’s going on and I’m so terrified of losing our baby girl or of anything being wrong with her...


It’s bad guys... Saw the doctor today, Rebecca is underdeveloped, has very little amniotic fluid, and her kidneys are not functioning well... There’s a good chance she’s not going to make it. We have an appointment with the high risk pregnancy specialist tomorrow for further testing. My mom is flying down here to be with me for the weekend. I’m gutted and can’t stop crying.