3rd baby

Amy • Met my hubby in 2011 we became great friends, started dating 10/14 and were married July 2015. Now we are a family of 3! 👶 Baby #2 on the way!

So I'm on my third baby. I want to do things more natural this time as I hate pitocin (i used foot zoning to help progress labor with my second) and my epidurals have ruined my back. would you guys reccomend going to birthing classes to help even though itsmy 3rd baby?

I'm not going to do a home birth but I will be at a birthing center each room has a yoga ball and jacuzzi and such so I'll have my pick of things to help me labor.

I'm very excited to do things this way this time around! I'm more afraid of the pain of the epidural (getting it/ side effects of it) then I am of natural childbirth. though any tips and such would be greatly appreciated!