Birth control

I stopped taking my birth control about two weeks ago when I noticed that since I’ve been on it, I get really mad very easily and I have a short temper (side effects I didn’t know existed). I have a 6 month old and I want another child soon so they can be close in age like me and my sister. The birth control was mostly to help regulate my periods. I didn’t talk to my doctor about stopping because I don’t have insurance right now to see her or the extra money to pay for it. My question is, if I get pregnant will my doctor be able to tell that I stopped taking the birth control? Like with a blood test? I don’t want to go into intense details but I live in Indiana and my doctor isn’t very nice or very good. When I was pregnant with my first child she tried to talk me into an abortion because I’m not married yet. So I don’t want to deal with what she’ll say if she knows i stopped taking my pill. I just want to know if they can tell I stopped taking it.

Thanks ladies. I know it’s a weirs situation but hopefully with my next pregnancy I can find a better doctor!