Grieving loss affecting my sex life? Help??

Hey everyone, I need some help ASAP.

Long story short, I lost two childhood friends I've known since I was 4 (and hung out with weekly for years) suddenly last week. Needless to say, I'm an absolute wreck and everything just feels dark and shitty all the time. It's hard enjoying myself while doing anything and my libido is 100% gone.

Now, my girlfriend is a very sexual person and has never really grieved the loss of someone close to her. She doesn't seem to understand that I can't seem to just "buck up" or get in the mood by thinking happy things or that her dressing sexy does nothing for me right now. I think my refusal to have sex with her is bothering her. How do I explain that I really just can't feel anything right now, and may not for a while? I would be open to things like movies, gaming together nap dates, etc. just nothing physical. PS: is it weird feeling that way? Just not being able to get the ones you lost off your mind?

Thanks, much love!