Anxiety despite Vasectomy...


Ladies, I need y’all to help me stop being so scared and anxious. Let me explain... My husband and I decided before we got married that we did not want to have children for which we decided to get a vasectomy three months before our wedding (we saved ourselves for marriage) he was cleared by his doctor and was told he was no longer fertile. I, however.. am having the hardest time letting go of my anxiety. He feels frustrated with me bc he says I make him feel like he got a vasectomy for nothing if I continue to stress over this so much but I CANT HELP IT 😰 I have PCOS so even though I get my periods every month they either come a couple days early or a couple days late. My period was 5 days late last month and OMG I was freaking out. I know nothing is 100% sure which is why I’m so anxious but I also know Vasectomies are in the top most effective birth control methods. What are your thoughts?