Damaged Sex Life

I have a low sex drive. I think it’s from medication I take. My husband and I were trying for a baby. This motivated me to have sex. However he has now been diagnosed with infertility, and that made him stop having sex for a month or so. Now his sex drive is back up, and have no sex drive. The other part is he takes FOREVER to climax, and sometimes does not. So when I do “give into sex” it just goes on and on, because obviously he wants to try and finish. It’s so disappointing; and honestly I get bored with it. He is seeing a urologist, but doesn’t want to go to a fertility specialist. Therefore he doesn’t want to try for a baby, which breaks my heart honestly. I was willing to do whatever we needed. He won’t talk about the infertility much. So I’m left with unanswered questions. I need to get in to see a counselor, but I was hoping some ladies would help on here for now. Suggestions, comments, similar experiences?