Pre eclampsia Aug 3rd baby now June baby!


So I struggled with my high risk pregnancy until Thursday night.

I had high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes to deal with on top of normal pregnancy and at 33 weeks 6 days was diagnosed with pre eclampsia. Because I had extremely high blood pressure and falling insulin requirements I had my scheduled c section moved promptly to an emergency and my son was born. It was only after he was born and I was in recovery they informed me I had been diagnosed with pre eclampsia! They wanted me as calm as possible due to the events leading to the c section.

Listen to your instincts because if I had ignored mine either myself, my darling boy or both of us might not be here today!

I had been in and out of hospital for 5 weeks with bedrest and having weekly stays overnight to adjust medications and get things under control. No more babies for me now, I have 2 handsome boys to raise who I defied the odds with so now I am going to enjoy them!

Ethan Riley born 21/6/18 9.10pm 6lbs 1