Which birth control would you recommend?

I was at my gyno yesterday to test for PCOS with my official blood work and transvaginal ultra sound and everything came back clear...

She’s decided that my deep mood swings are PMDD and that I can take birth control to fix them...

She’s worried since I’ve had aura migraines in the past that estrogen type birth control puts me at a higher risk for stroke because of those migraines so sticking to a Progestogen only birth control is better...

My issue is that I do have PMDD, general anxiety, depression and adhd... I suffer from really bad episodes from the anxiety and depression which can turn suicidal with the wrong medication... she really recommends the Nexaplanon because it would contain a low, steady dose but I’m more comfortable with pills because I can control if I need to stop them instead of having to surgically remove a freaking rod out of my arms....

Which would you recommend by your experience + any advice you have for me due to my information above...

Thank you everyone!

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