Should I be worried?

So I have horrible irregular periods. Here’s pictures of my cycle to show.

Yesterday I started noticing some blood in my discharge, bright red. Then I had sex and noticed a blood smell during so I excused myself to go to the bathroom. We’ve been together for 4 years so I’m not embarrassed to excuse myself during sex to pee. When I wiped it was a brownish discharge and then the rest of the day it was brown with hints of red. Since my periods are so irregular I thought maybe it was starting. My last one started May 30 and ended on June 5. It didn’t seem like a period though so I was worried.

Today it seemed like it was gone until I went to the bathroom there was red blood in the toilet and when I wiped. There were what looked like tiny clots. So I figured it was my period starting. I have cramps and yesterday it was so bad I couldn’t even walk or stand. But it only seems like I really bleed when I’m going to the bathroom.

I have two girls under the age of three. With my first one I had ppd and dealt with horrible health anxiety where I almost couldn’t take care of her because I was so depressed and everything health related to me or her I thought was cancer. And then before I found out I was pregnant I started getting help. When I was pregnant with my first I had gotten to the point where I could function and then when she arrived I didn’t have those worrying thoughts anymore. But once and awhile something will bother me but not send me into depression. The reason I’m bringing this up is because I am almost worried I have cervical cancer or something like an std. but I know it can’t be an std because my boyfriend and I are always with each other except when he works. And I know he’s at work because he works with my family as a carpenter so they’d text me worried if he didn’t show up. As because we’re working on trust issues we have trackers on our phones yo see where each other are ( not because of cheating)

I really don’t wanna go back to the anxiety and testing and waiting for the test results. I wanna be happy and be able to take care of my kids and boyfriend. Can someone tell me if they have dealt with this before and what it could be?