I can’t do it anymore...

Hi.... I’m 12 years old and in need of help.... I’ve just joined Glow, so I’m not completely sure how everything works so bare with me... but here I go:

I lost my dad to cancer a few months ago... it’s almost a year now... and I can’t do this crap anymore! It was so hard when he had cancer, to see him suffering everyday, which then grew into barely seeing him at all as he had to go to the hospital. But I always had the hope that at least it will be over at some point, right? The pain can’t last that long, and we will all be happy again...

in the summer 2017, he died. It all happened so quickly! We only knew he had cancer for 3 months until he passed away....

Now, things are more serious. I want to die. I get anxiety-attacks and cant handle any social situations. I am not obese, but not exactly the skinniest. I don’t care the perfect face or body, and I comfort eat a bit. Ive lost all my confidence in the last year. One of my neighbours daughter, to whom I am friends with, is quite sporty and does summer camps and whatever, and they always seem to look down on me when I don’t do the running races, or I don’t join them in a huge game of football. They think I’m lazy, but really, I am self conscious. I can barely leave my house and go to the shops in fear of meeting some kids from my class or to just be seen and mess up or fall, of course I won’t go out and do sports! I just get so anxious... help....