☹️discouraged help?


So I have two apps the flo and the glow, flo told me ovulated on the 20th. flo is always right about my periods and etc. I downloaded the glow and plugged everything in from November 2017. glow is telling me I should be ovulating today take a test and it's a negative. I don't put it on glow because glow will just move my ovulating day like 2 days.. well seeing the 3 percentage sure sucks. 😖 I've been having cramps, headache, flutters sometimes, tired extremely tired (not me)feel sick but haven't thrown up. dog have been acting weird, the other day I went day I went store and thought someone stole my car because I thought I parked it somewhere ( 3 lines down).. then at work I've been very forgetful... then body's temp has been very hot around my lower back. any help?