True For Me And Many Others


Ladies I saw this today and I needed to post it because I have seen many people judging others from “moving on to quickly”

I was with my ex’s husband for 6 years, he was an emotionally and physically abusive alcoholic, never had anything to do with our two very young children, he caused me a lot of depression, and I had even attempted suicide. Our relationship had been over for a LONG TIME but I wasn’t willing to give up on him, hoping he’d change, and love me like I loved him. He didn’t. I left and not even a week later met my boyfriend who has helped me so much with myself, my depression, my children, he is extremely supportive, uplifting, motivating, really just great. Yes I moved on, but if I hadn’t I wouldn’t be here to type this message right now.

Stop shaming people for this. You never know who really needed to move on and you never know how much they needed it.