3 months in he wants a baby

Hopefully im posting this in the right place. I am only 23 years old. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 months officially and before that we’ve talked for about 5 months. God I like him so much he’s perfect. I think im falling in love hard for the first time but for a week he’s been acting weird like distant kinda. I asked him what was up and he kept saying nothing. Just yesterday he hit me with the “i have to tell you something” line. We met up at a diner and thats when he told me his doctor told him he only has 3 years left to have kids. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say. My bf teared up and just handed me the papers from his doctors office. He told me he was going to go the bathroom and never returned. I texted him asking where he was at and he told me he was having an anxiety attack. He left 50 dollars on the booth he was sitting in for me to pay for our bill. I haven’t seen him since but we’ve been texting. All i know from the papers he gave me is that he has a super low sperm count and bad sperm motility. I guess he was in an accident when he was young and as he gets older its less likely he’ll ever be a dad, he’s only 28! He’s told me he was in an accident that damaged both his testicles when we first started talking but I had no clue it would effect our future, I didn’t even know he was following a doc for this. He suffers from anxiety pretty bad so I haven’t asked him directly about what exactly is causing this and the papers he handed me only really deal with his sperm numbers. Im nervous because he told me if i loved him then I would give him a baby through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> while he still has some viable sperm because apparently the natural way is shot I guess. Guys I feel like my world is crashing. Im young and dont know if im ready to be a mommy. I love him but it hasn’t been that long and what if I have his kid and then he doesn’t want to marry me for some reason down the road. Last but not least isn’t <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> crazy expensive??? Im still in college and don’t know if I’d be able to help him pay for it. Please help!!! What should I do? I love him I dont want to leave him nor do i want him to leave me. I want kids in the future but i just dont know if im ready now. I feel myself seeping into depression.....