In Need of a TTC Buddy


I'm Jacqueline. I'm 27 and my husband is 45. We have been TTC for 13 cycles, so just over a year now. Neither of us has any children, and we want this more than anything in the world. I am starting to get really discouraged and could use a friend who is also TTC or is perhaps having difficulties so we can support each other. I am not out or open with my coworkers at my job about us TTC, because you never know how that might go in the workplace. While my husband is insanely supportive, it would be nice to have another woman to connect with about the toll all this takes on the body, etc. I am a lawyer and my husband is a professor, and I promise I am nice and basically normal lol. Please shoot me a message if you are interested in saying hello. I promise I will respond.