Please help me!!


Okay ya'll I've been EBF my baby girl for almost 4 months now and everything was great! This past month, however, has been pure hell!

She fights me EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME and idk what to do. I want so badly to continue breastfeeding her on demand. She will eat for maybe 3 minutes before she starts squirming and pulling away from me. If I continue to try and feed her she will pull away and start screaming her head off.

I've tried everything I can think of! Different positions, offering her the opposite breast, burping her, giving her a break (bad idea) and changing my diet. What can I do to fix this?? I will take any suggestions and/or tips.

I have tried giving her a bottle of breast milk and she did just fine. If I have to start pumping then so be it, I just want to explore all other options first. Please Help!