Braxton Hicks contractions

Natalie • Wife and mother of an eight year old boy and a 16 month old girl!

Hey ladies! So, I've been pregnant before but I never had Braxton Hicks contractions until i was about 27 weeks pregnant. By that time, my uterus was well above my belly button and it was easy to tell I was having them. I'm 19w1d and I dont know if I'm having them or not. Do they feel the same, regardless of how big your uterus is? Does your entire abdomen contract? Like, abdominal muscles and uterus? I'm just confused. Also, I'm terrified of preterm labor. I've been having cramps but I can't tell if they're benign or if I should be worried. I've looked up everything I can about it and I'm not at risk for it at all but I'm still so scared. I've waited years for another child. I dont want to lose my little girl! Help!