I feel like a wimp and not a true pregnant woman😔

I pictured that when I got pregnant, I was gonna push through it and still work my butt off, I’ve always been a big work dedicated person. But I’m 13wks and I feel like I need to either find a new job or quit. My blood pressure was always very low before pregnancy, and now while I’m at work I’m sitting in the 160s even when resting, and I’ve been getting so dizzy and light headed that when I’m doing my job I’m not able to always stay stable on my feet, and I work in a hospital where I have to transfer patients and walk with them. Without my support they could fall, and if I’m not even stable myself how can I keep my patient from being stable. And my headaches have been so unbearable while at work....My OB hasn’t really said anything about it, she saw it was elevated at one appointment and scheduled me to come in two weeks later, problem was I went on a little vacation(more so just took two weeks off work) and while I was off I laid on the couch most the day reading and when I went in my b/p dropped back to normal(mind you I sat on my couch for 4 hours before the appointment and then sat for an hour in the waiting room before I was called back), so she was like alright there’s no problem here, other than now I’m back to work and I’m running in the 160s again and heart rate is elevated......, so I feel like I’m being a wimp and not being a true woman who can’t handle her pregnancy... and it’s frustrating feeling this way, and I just don’t understand why this is happening. Cause she even said with my pre pregnancy blood pressures I should not be jumping that high this early on. Yet hasn’t said to make any adjustments to my routine