Really Urgent...My dad threatened me

So as a little backstory, I am part of the military (National Guard) and I’m 17 years old, turning 18 in December.

My dad has a minor record for domestic violence, served the night in jail and had a restraining order filed to stay away from us for a year a while back (2011).

However, my parents solved their issues because my mom didn’t want us apart from him because we are very very close to our parents. So everything went back to normal, but whenever our parents would argue he likes using the fact that she ruined his life so she backs down (submissive) because he earns a lot more than her and pays most of the bills and does want what’s best for us, so she doesn’t do anything about it. He isn’t a physically violent person, but he is verbally abusive.

I do have a job, I work part time. However, I do not earn enough money to pay a full bill unless it’s the phone bill or gas or buying some food for Friday nights. When my parents received the tax return money, my mom had a total of $6,000 and my dad only got $500. So, my mom gave him a thousand and the rest was deposited into my account for emergencies only. Until recently, he’s been using my account to buy stuff for his car even though there’s nothing wrong with it. He would pay me back sometimes, but still we agreed it would be untouched unless it’s an emergency.

We argued bc I didn’t want him to take my card away and take out the money. We agreed the money isn’t his and he’s acting like as if it is. He threatened to hurt me physically so that I can act “right” and listen to him. I told him he can go ahead because I’ll call the cops. He’s trying to kick me out, which I have no problem with bc I have my own money saved from my job. My boyfriend offered to let me stay for the weekend until things cool down.

I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to leave my mom bc he’ll give her hell and blame her. He also threatened to kill me but I know he wouldn’t but I know it’s very very wrong and I don’t know what to do..please help.