My story

So I know this probably isn’t the place to leave this, but this is the one place I can leave my emotional story behind and move on.... Thanks for those who take the time to read.

Well it’s been at least 10 years since the death of my cousin. And at the time I was 11 and our friendship was awesome. Both our parents hated how wild and crazy we were together. We climbed trees, fell out ripped our clothing during the process😂 and we’d walk away laughing and tried to hide the bruises we got, from our parents... didn’t always succeed🤷🏻‍♀️ lol we talked about crushes.... yes at that age, but hey we were just looking to see which boy was cutest😜 and we were so close, I’ve never been so close to anyone since her. But then one day her family came over and we had an argument and about the stupidest thing to yet, and we never ended making up. So they left and it had been maybe 2 or 3 months and my mom gets a phone call from my uncle saying she had been an a really bad accident. The vehicle had rolled 8 times and she was flung out of the vehicle some how, no one ever figured that out. Once my uncle heard of this, she was being rushed to the hospital by helicopter. And he automatically called my family since we were the only family that lived close enough to come at short notice. Then within the half hour my uncle called again with the news of she hadn’t made it to the hospital before she passed.😭😭😭 I never got to say sorry for that stupid argument we had, I never got to hug her before she left. And it’s crazy cuz my other friend heard and she asked to come to the funeral and she was there for me. And the only thought that kept going thru my mind when we were on our way to the funeral was, how am I gonna say goodbye for the very last time, with no response from her. How am I supposed to be the wild child again without her. So on the way home my other friend was there and I’ll be honest, since she did that for me we’ve been so close till we move too a different country. And we still talk but not very often due to the fact she lives in Mexico and I in Canada. But there’s one more thing, once we were home from the funeral I heard this song over the radio Sissy song by Alan Jackson and now when ever I hear that song I always seem to break down and cry about her. I miss her, I wonder what life would be like if she was still here, would we still be as wild as we once were? But i think I lost my wild side after that no1 ever sparked it up again, or I refused to let it be sparked up again. I just had tell someone and I know it’s been 10 years but in some way it still hurts.