
I’m curious. I have a question for those who are in relationships with someone who has never cheated yet still have little trust for your significant other.

I understand if you’ve been in a previous relationship with someone who has cheated but why do some people not trust their current partner based off previous people?

I’m also asking the same question for those who have never been cheated on.

I constantly see girls asking if they should be suspicious with their current parent over small things.

For example, I recently saw a post with a woman asking if she should be suspicious because her husband added a random female on Facebook. He has not contacted her or done anything inappropriate in their relationship but she still felt suspicious.

I’ve also seen a lot of post with people asking if its disrespectful for their sign I can’t other to have female friends. (When I say this, I’m not including exes.)

I can understand some reasons but for the most part, it’s a little sad that some couples have issues with this.

What’s it going to take to get some of you to trust your partner?

Any thoughts or opinions?