My story


I'm having a really hard time dealing with everything that is happening to me. I'm 21 years old and I've been with my boyfriend since I was 16, I've never been on birth control and right after my 21st birthday in November I decided to go to the ER because I wasn't feeling great. They told me I was pregnant, but it was an ectopic pregnancy. I had to have an emergency surgery done and I lost my left tube and my baby. It didnt hit me until a week after. I was devastated. I was so depressed that I quit my job and stayed home to grieve. I became behind on my bills, and it just felt like everything around me was crashing. My boyfriend was so supportive the whole time. It took me months to get over what happened to me, and I didn't understand what happened and why it happened to me. This month I started to feel like myself again, until I found out I was pregnant again, and trust me I had so many mixed emotions that I didn't know how to feel. I took 4 pregnancy tests and got it confirmed, and I began to get excited. This pregnancy wasn't planned, and I wasn't upset about it, I wanted it. Yesterday I started spotting and I found out that I'm in the process of having a miscarriage. My HCG level has dropped and I've been bleeding all day today. I've been on and off with crying. I can't wrap my head around why it's happening to me again, and it's hard and I don't know how to process or even deal with this again. I don't want to lose hope of carrying my own child. 😭 does any one have any suggestions to help me get through this hard time? ❤️