Can you look at this?

My boyfriend wasn't talking to me all day yesterday he was ignoring me. So I just let my phone die because I began to blow his phone up too much and that made me look crazy. So in order to stop I allowed it to die. Two hours later I charged it. Once my phone got back he calls me. We get on the phone he informs me he went to go visit his mothers boyfriend in jail and after visit his brother. I said oh okay why didn't you let me know *he got louder* WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ANY OF MY CALLS?! I WAS CALLING WHY WAS YOUR PHONE OFF" I told him why and he hung up the phone but texted me:

He didn't inform me on anything last night

Smh I uplift him and encourage I let him borrow my car I give him money for his phone bills for his mixtapes I know all his songs by heart. I'm there everyday to listen...