Anyone else 10 days late? UPDATED ✨


I’m currently 8 days late! Never been this late before. Longest I’ve ever been late was maybe 3 days (if that) so I will keep this updated as I go and share my experience with you ladies!

June 30th (yesterday)

I took a pregnancy test and it was negative sooo I’m just patiently waiting at this point to see what happens and it has me like..

Last Period was from May 25th-31st and now it’s July 1st. So this is CD 38 for me now! Only thing I noticed that was different was a week before my period was suppose to come I had this horrible pain on my lower right side / low handle area. It went away and now I just have these on and off pelvic cramps. Other than that I have no other symptoms.

Little history:

I was TTC for almost 7 months with my SO and gave up this previous December. We decided to go with the method of “not trying but not preventing” and I honestly forgot about TTC. Only thing we use is preseed because we just like the product in general instead of regular lube (can’t stand the smell or feeling).

Updated ✨

Officially 9 days late and still no AF. Really tempting to test BUT I want to wait a few more days!

I still feel a tiny bit of cramping last night but no AF 🤞🏽

Updated II ✨

I’m currently 10 days late and tested this morning and it was a negative once again! Cramping is still continuing! So now it’s just a waiting game!