advice on boys🤷🏼‍♀️😬

im really confused what to do! so i’m 13 and there is this guy i have had a crush on for a few years best friend (let’s call her Emma) thought that he liked me too and that we would be cute together so she texted him on my phone saying “hey this is emma! can you text me on my phone?” and gave him her snapchat. a few minutes later he texted her and emma asked him if he liked me and he said “idk🤷🏼‍♀️yeah”. so emma responded with “well you should go talk to her because i’m pretty sure she likes you too”. later that night he texted me and ever since we have been snapchating each other and texting. after a few weeks i asked him for a tbh (to be honest)...and he sent me this really sweet message saying how he liked talking to me, he thought i was pretty and had an amazing personality, and that we should hang out soon. anyways i was on vacation at that time so we obviously couldn’t hang out, so we have just been texting each other for awhile. the 1st two weeks we texted i thought that he seriously liked me for sure so i told him how i feel. the thing is, ever since i told him that he has been acting different...he used to ask me how my day was and be super nice but now he takes forever to respond and when he does it’s only a few words like- “cool!”, “lol”, “wow”, or “oh gosh”. i’m starting to feel like i’m the only on who is trying and maybe he only said all that stuff cause he didn’t want to make me feel bad. i always have to start the conversation or ask him something. i need some advice please! should i back off for a while? or do you think it’s just cause he is busy and he doesn’t have enough time to talk? help me please! i want to ask him but i don’t want to make him feel really uncomfortable🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️