Extreme fatigue

S.A.M • Mommy to twin girls!!! 🎀🎀

I can barely do a thing today without getting a little light headed and then needing to go to sleep. I’m so unbelievably tired. I actually slept decent last night and slept a full 8 hours. I had cereal banana and eggs for breakfast and then relaxed on the couch all morning. Then decided to start packing my hospital bag and I couldn’t even make it through I had to sit down. So then I ate something quick and took a 2 hour nap. Back up again and eating and chugging water and feeling like taking another nap. It’s 98 degrees out today and been really hot but I’ve been in the house with central air. Maybe I over did it yesterday? I was in the heat yesterday relaxing in the pool for a little bit and I ended up taking two naps yesterday. 30 weeks tomorrow, don’t know how I am going to go back to work in a week :( thank god I got the babies room pretty much done and all clothes washed last week.