Not sure what category to post this to🤔


Let me give you guys the background knowledge.So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 months it will be official on the 15th. I love this man and he loves me. We both want kids I want 2 at the max and hes fine with just one. Hes got a pretty decent job and I have an interview Thursday for a job I really want and I’ve been unemployed for 7 months because of an on the job injury. So today my boyfriend was giving me a full body massage and he stopped and laid on my back for a minute. Well the pressure from him being on me pushed my stomach into my bed and I felt something weird. It felt like something was kind of moving in me but I couldnt quite identify what it was. It was in my lower stomach kind of underneath my belly button. Now I had my period last month andI had sex with my boyfriend before my trip which was a week ago. It was a quicky because I started to have pain from being dry. My period is due in 7 days and I have an obgyn appointment tomorrow morning (this morning since im writing this at 2AM) Bow baby fever is strong in me and I want to have a baby but I dont want it to be at the wrong time. Half of me is hoping that im pregnant and what I felt was my baby but at the same time the other half of me is hoping im not and that what I felt was probably an organ or something and that im so stupid for thinking that I might be pregnant when im on the pill, use condoms, and my period is coming. Am I crazy for wanting a baby so badly because I had a miscarriage 2 years ago?