Sleep Regression

Karla • 30 years young. Matteo, March 2018 👶🏼💙

My LO had started to wake up only 2x a night. This lasted for about a week or two. This last week he has been waking up every 1.5-2hrs. And if ever did that I was able to easily put him back to sleep, but now he just screams bloody murdee until I nurse. My mom says he has been eating more (she watches him). She says sometimes he will take a 5oz bottle. I can't help but wonder if maybe she is over feeding him. Before I started work I had gotten him on schedule, he would nurse every 3hrs. With her it seems that she is feeding him before the 3hr mark. So when I pick him up after work he usually wants to nurse before the 3hr mark. Should he be eating this much? is it a growth spurt? I NEED sleep 😭

ps. he will be 4mnths in about a wk and a half