I don’t know what to do anymore

stephanie • 🇨🇦

So me and my boyfriend are both teenagers I’m 16 he’s 17 and I know that his mom and brother absolutely hate me

They talk shit about me with my boyfriend when I’m not there and Ik because my boyfriend tells me what they say, but they talk nice to my face.

I’m not at his house everyday, but I’m there a lot because they say I’m always welcomed but I just don’t feel that way

Me and my boyfriend were once sitting on the couch and his mom was standing at the table n I looked up and saw my moms boyfriend looking me dead in the eye giving me a dirty look

She also complains she can’t afford for me to eat at her house everyday but one I’m not there everyday and two I’m always the one ordering food when I’m there.... but I order food for all of us because they have like absolutely nothing in there fridge all the time but yet she’s always spending money on getting drunk and not grocery’s

Idk why she doesn’t like me and I have done nothing but be nice to them... what should I do???