I need mother/boyfriend advice...


So here's the deal...my mother is my neighbor and sometimes it's bitter, other times it's sweet. My boyfriend was raised in a family where they don't like to "bother" each other so if someone voices a concern, it usually gets changed right away. On the other hand, I was raised in a "get over it" kind of family where depending on what the issue is, sometimes you're just expected to get over it. Now here's my current issue. My mom comes over a lot, more on some days than others. Now I feel bad because she lives alone and I wouldn't ever want her to feel lonely.I also enjoy her company most of the time. Now, there are times where my boyfriend and I are just relaxing and she comes knocking, and doesn't fully "get" that we just want to be alone so it becomes a bit much. My boyfriend isn't one to constantly voice his feelings but there has been a few times that he's told me that he doesn't like when she just comes walking in when we open the door, or how she welcomes herself into the room instead of just staying in the living room until we bring the baby out to her. I admit sometimes it annoys me too but I also feel like "that's my mom" so there shouldn't be any issues. Have any of you been put in similar situations and what did you do? Or how would you handle this situation? I want to be respectful to my mom while also taking into consideration that my boyfriend and I now have a baby in common and we live together so it's not like back in the day when I was a single mother to my older child. Thank you in advance for your responses and if you think you're going to write anything that would seem disrespectful about either one of them, keep it to yourself.

Forgot to mention that because she is so close, distance-wise, my older son likes to ask her for stuff. Whether it'd be snacks or a sandwich, something I may have not purchased in our household. So this is another reason she comes over at times. She helped me raise my older son so I think she feels entitled to welcome herself.