Doubting God will ever let me get married đź’”


I’m still getting over being dumped by my first bf.... I loved him and thought I would spend the rest of my life with him.... meanwhile all my friends are in relationships, and last night two of my best friends got engaged after like 3 months of dating(they’ve been friends over a year). I saw the post....... and I burst into tears. I’m SO happy for them-and all my other friends in relationships- but part of me is jealous it’s not me, and sad that my bf broke up with me. I feel like it’s never going to be my time for these things. I’m starting to doubt God will give that to me, if that’s His plan for me,.. and it’s really sad and discouraging. And then I HATE myself for feeling this way when I should be “rejoicing always” and I should be happy for my friends with no thought of myself..... idk what to do. I’m a terrible liar and I know when I see them they’ll see it on my face and I don’t want them to feel bad, but it’s been so hard. Because as soon as we broke up, everyone else got together, and they’re doing a marriage series at my church.... I’m just so heartbroken.... but I know I need to push it aside for my friends’ sake