

Im about 6 weeks and I’m so depressed and a bit hangry 24/7. I’m on holiday at the moment with the family but I s so stressful, you know one of those day where everything that could go wrong does well that been my last few days. It’s so hard as my fiancé isn’t here as he had to stay and study for his exams. I just feel so bad, I’ve hidden away to cry so many time. I really wish I had stayed at home, every-time I try and be cheerful or join in it never works. I just don’t know what to do with myself. I just seem to make everyone annoyed or unhappy including myself.

Even worse but I was bleeding for about 3 days which I read could be implantation bleeding and I so hope it was. I had a similar thing in my last pregnancy. It’s just so hard being here without my fiancé as my whole family doesn’t know and I can’t tell them as they are old school and we aren’t married. I feel so alone 😭. Any advice? My hormones are so crazy and I keep feeling sick which doesn’t help anything.

This is my rooftop view, nice destresser