Am I over reacting??

Okay so idk if I’m over reacting or not and I really don’t want to get mad over nothing. So over the weekend we drove 5 hours to go have our baby shower on Saturday at my moms and we had to drive the 5 hours back yesterday and I am 34 weeks and am in A LOT of pain in my hips and back (I was in the military and just got out recently and have suffered fractured hips and issues with my back so this pregnancy has been extremely hard on me) so my husband knows how much pain I’m in and today I had an OB appointment over an hour away, I didn’t sleep at all last night due to the pain I was in and I was also throwing up all morning... it comes time to go and my husband was like I really don’t want to go I don’t feel good. I got fucking pissed because I told him I was not comfortable driving with not sleeping/getting sick and being in pain so I asked if he was serious and he just turned around and fell back asleep! Anyways I left and I’m sitting here at the appointment mad as hell because I feel like he really didn’t care... would you be mad? I could be over reacting I just want opinions...