Feeling run down all the time 😐


I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and I literally feel exhausted 24/7. I get plenty of good rest at night, however, i cannot take a nap because every time I do, I wake with a headache.

It doesn’t matter where I sleep, for how long, in what position, I wake up with a headache strong enough to cause nausea every single time.

I’ll be the first to admit 🙋🏼‍♀️ my diet is no where near where it needs to be. I weigh 130, I’m not overweight by any means but I’ve had a crappy appetite so I just snack on whatever I can tolerate. I’ve actually lost weight since being pregnant.

With my daughter, I had anemia during my pregnancy and that caused a lot of fatigue, but so far, my counts are good this pregnancy.

With all that being said, are there any tips to keep myself feeling energized and charged up throughout the day, whether it be foods, drinks, I’m open to anything at this point. I need to feel normal again