Do internet cheapies even work!?


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9 dpo - all with the same urine


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8dpo, it picked it up (even if it was super faint)


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I bought a 5 pack off Amazon. Can not remember the name, but they worked just as well as the FRER and were WAY cheaper.


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They work, this is at 10 dpo with the easy @ home brand


Posted at
That's what I used with my 6 month old son... I used easy home pregnancy test and some unknown rand I bought on wish.. according to my dating scan I got my vvvfl 3 weeks pregnant.


Jasmine • Jul 3, 2018
easy home pregnancy test I bought were 60 tests for 25 dollar... I have a pack now... i just bought 20 for 15 dollars since we aren't being the safest atm😂 I did use clear blue digital about a week after tho to confirm before going to clinic at 5 weeks to confirm there.. Lol I didn't believe I was pregnant and still in disbelief about ever being pregnant.