Leaking from 1 breast


Hello all. For the past few days my right nipple has leaked a small amount of yellow substance. Enough to go through my bra and shirt. I bought some breast pads and have been wearing them. I am 26 weeks pregnant. However it is only my right breast that is leaking. Is this normal?? Shouldn’t it be both?

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Posted at
I’m currently about to be 18.. I’m leaking from both but it comes and goes… 🙃🙃 gotta get some pads I guess 🤣


Posted at
Normal, I did the same. Next time it was the other one 😝


Posted at
I leak from both.


Posted at
I would only leak from my right side too with my first baby so yeah its totally normal! I would squeeze the other one too to see if some would come out and it did too