Failed pregnancy 😥

Stephanie • TTC our rainbow baby 💚💛❤💙✌ Same sex couple love <3

So three weeks ago my wife and I found out our insemination had worked and I was pregnant. The first time we ever tried. I tested positive on every stick imaginable and booked my first midwives appointment for the 16th of July. 5 weeks in I started to get light bleeding and cramps. The first doctor I saw said it could be nothing and that the early pregnancy unit wouldn't admit me for a scan. 4 days later I saw a second doctor who also wouldn't get me in for a scan and said it was most likely a failed pregnancy and that when I get a negative pregnancy test to call them. I was 6 weeks and 2 days when the bleeding stopped. I did a test and it was the darkest positive on a FRRR I have ever seen. We were happy to see it. The next day I tested again and it was lighter until this morning when I have had two negatives. Not having proper medical confirmation has been the most frustrating part of all this. My wife is devestated this is the first time we have done it and what a hard experience for her.I know we can try again. Hopefully soon. 🙏🌷😊

UPDATE: Positive test after 4 negatives. Doctors have called me back and seem to be pushing for a scan finally. I cant take anymore not knowing.

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Posted at
Sorry that happened to you 😞 Unfortunately there’s nothing anyone can do to help during those early stages, and it’s probably too early to see anything on an ultrasound. I had bleeding from slightly later, 8 weeks - at that stage I was able to get an ultrasound at the ER and they could confirm what was happening. I hope things work out better for you next time.


Posted at
That fucking sucks. I’ve never been through this, but I’ve read a lot of stories on here. Usually Women say that their doctor confirmed it. I wonder why nobody would see you. That really blows. I’m sorry


su • Jul 8, 2018
Wait you got a positive pregnancy test today?


Stephanie • Jul 8, 2018
Went to the EPU. Still no scan done or bloods taken even though i argued with the doctor. She said it is likely a misscarriage. Completely negative tests for a week until yesterday i got a positive and today I had two positive ovulation tests. Pretty much accepted my fate but my gut is telling me something isn't right


su • Jul 3, 2018
Well that’s a good sign right?? I hope for the best for you too


Posted at
Not that this really helps much but I can sympathize with you. Most doctors just chalk it up to: “well most miscarriages happen so early so even if you e had problems in the past can’t really help you” sucks to say but they probably are saving themselves from seeing a bunch of mothers broken hearts, i am so sorry you went hrough that, pray for you to have a little one that sticks it will happen, keep your head held high if you can! One of the best medications for pregnancy is positivity❤️🤰🏼🤱🏼


Charlotte • Jul 3, 2018
Not to get your hopes up but I had taken so many when I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago and I had two come up questionably negative and the others were clearly positive maybe it could be okay not sure, have you had heavy bleeding or anything? Man it sucks to get that far and it won’t stick I know 6 weeks doesn’t seem far in pregnancy terms but that time adds up and is emotionally traumatizing


Stephanie • Jul 3, 2018
I know. Im off back to the doctors so it seems I may finally have a scan but when I don't know because its only the GP I am seeing. Realistically I know I have lost the baby but my wife is so hopeful. I just want a solid answer.


Charlotte • Jul 3, 2018
Man those tests are giving you a roller coaster of emotions to deal with, not cool:/


Posted at
That’s ridiculous. At 5 weeks i was cramping, no bleeding and my doctors rushed me in for blood work and a scan. Saw next to nothing, just a yolk sac, so i was put on meds to help it stick and got another scan at 7 weeks. I can’t believe they wouldn’t confirm your miscarriage, especially after not conceiving naturally 🙄


Stephanie • Jul 3, 2018
I know. It is so frustrating. Ive even tried a different doctor and the early pregnancy unit just won't admit me to confirm anything. Were going to get a early reassurance scan on Friday privately x